Beginner-Friendly Introduction to Git & GitHub

Beginner-Friendly Introduction to Git & GitHub

Beginner-Friendly Introduction to Git & GitHub

Getting Started with Git and GitHub

Git is a distributed version control system widely used by developers to manage and track changes in source code during software development. It enables teams and individuals to work collaboratively on projects while keeping a history of every change made to the codebase. Here are some key features of Git:

  • Version Control:It tracks changes, so you can revert to earlier versions of your work if needed.
  • Branching and Merging:Developers can create independent branches for features or fixes, then merge them seamlessly into the main project.
  • Collaboration:Git allows multiple people to work on the same project simultaneously without overwriting each other's changes.
  • Distributed System:Each user has a complete copy of the repository, so they can work offline and still access the full history.

GitHub is a cloud-based platform that provides storage for your projects. In this guide, you'll learn how to create a new repository on GitHub, clone it locally, add files, and push your changes back to GitHub. Follow along and try the commands on your own!. Make sure you have Git Installed Download Git

We will begin by visiting to create a new account. After verifying your account

Step 1: Create a New GitHub Repository

create new repository using the + sign at the top of your account

  1. Go to GitHub's New Repository Page.
  2. Enter a repository name, for example: MyFirstRepo.
  3. Choose "Public" or "Private" as per your preference.
  4. Check "Add a README file" (this creates an initial file you can see later).
  5. Click "Create repository".

Step 2: Clone Your Repository Locally

In your repository, Locate to the right top and click on the code and copy the link

Now, create a new folder on your computer where you'd like to store your project. Right-click in the folder, choose "Open Git Bash here, and run the following command:

git clone

This command downloads your repository to your local machine. You can now see the file that GitHub automatically added.

Step 3: Make Changes Locally

Inside your cloned folder, create a new file. For example, create a file named example.txt and write something inside it.

After saving your changes, open your terminal and type the following command to check your repository's status:

git status

You should see that example.txt is listed as an untracked file.

Step 4: Push Your Changes to GitHub

Follow these commands to add your new file, commit your changes, and push them to GitHub:

  1. Stage your file:
    git add example.txt
  2. Commit your changes:
    git commit -m "Add example.txt with initial content"
  3. Push to GitHub:
    git push origin main

Once the push is complete, go to your GitHub repository page and refresh it. You should see the example.txt file listed along with your changes.

Using VS Code with Git and GitHub

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a powerful, free code editor that integrates well with Git. In this section, you'll learn how to use VS Code's integrated terminal (using Bash) to clone your repository, make changes, and push your code back to GitHub.

You can download VS Code from the official website: Visual Studio Code.

Step 1: Open Your Repository in VS Code

  1. Open VS Code.
  2. From the menu, click on File > Open Folder and select the folder where you want your project to reside.

Step 2: Open the Integrated Terminal with Bash

  1. Click on Terminal > New Terminal in the top menu.
  2. Ensure the terminal is set to Bash. If it's not, click the dropdown in the terminal window to change the default shell.

Step 3: Clone Your GitHub Repository Using Bash

In the integrated terminal, navigate to your preferred folder and run the following command to clone your repository:

git clone

This command downloads your repository into a new folder inside your current directory. You can now see the repository files, including the file that you added on GitHub.

Step 4: Explore Your Repository

Once the cloning is complete, use the VS Code file explorer (on the left side) to view your project files. You should see the along with any other files from your repository.

Step 5: Make Changes and Commit Your Code

Let's make a change to your repository. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new file in VS Code (e.g., demo.txt) and add some text content to it.
  2. Save the file (choose File > Save or press
  3. Return to the integrated terminal and check the status of your repository by typing:

git status

You should see that demo.txt is listed as an untracked file.

  1. Stage the new file by typing:

  2. git add demo.txt
  3. Commit your changes with a message:

  4. git commit -m "Add demo.txt with initial content"
  5. Push your changes to GitHub:

  6. git push origin main

After the push is complete, visit your GitHub repository in your web browser to verify that demo.txt is now part of your repository.

Keeping Your Code Safe

While Git and GitHub are secure, follow these best practices to keep your code safe:

Additional Tools for Git and GitHub

Enhance your workflow with these useful tools:

  • Git CLI – The command-line tool for Git.
  • GitHub Desktop – A graphical interface for GitHub.
  • GitKraken – A feature-rich Git GUI.
  • GitLens – An extension for VS Code that enhances Git capabilities.
